Raw data is – effectively – useless! It represents a great deal of your historical records and up-to-date activities. But, can you currently, easily, extract useful information, and from thence obtain knowledge from which you can take immediate action?
With the SDS-ES service, your data becomes information, creating knowledge, and enabling action.
• Stage one:
Information consultancy: The identification of critical data; advice on search criteria; presentation of Information; budgeting; etc..
• Stage two (a):
Turning the client’s physical records (data) into electronically searchable information
Scanning, digitising and atomising raw data stored in physical documents, books, newsletters, magazines, etc.
• Stage two (b):
Processing the client’s existing electronic records into equally searchable information
Enabling all electronic records – on PCs, computers, servers, storage devices, etc. – to have full search capability
• Stage three:
Combining the client’s physical and electronic information into one knowledge bank
Searchable in the way that each different authorised user specifies, plus full Boolean search for unexpected requirements. Providing the unique SDS Software Systems to enable full search and browse capability. Presenting the entirety as useful, valuable and retrievable information, enabling better decision making.