5. Offering SDS-ES Proof of Concept Consultancy approach

The SDS-ES Proof of Concept Consultancy Service is a highly cost-effective initial approach helping our Clients to identify the scale of their challenges, make the appropriate decisions and control budgets.


Our policy is to prove the value of our Services to each Client, to their satisfaction, within their working environments, before proposing longer term production contracts.

Hence “Proof of Concept” where the Client receives significant, “personalised” value for minimum outlay, whilst benefitting from our digitisation, atomisation, search and browse facilities, controlled access and security aspects - all provided within our Information Management Service.

This is the key added-value aspect of our Services. Our Consultants will provide SDS-ES Assistance and Expertise (both on-site and from our IT Services Group based at Christchurch) – understanding your Organisation’s ethos and outline needs and reflecting these back to you.

But we do not simply provide expert Consultancy – we will create a website to your Brand Rules, convert 2,500 pages of your data into Searchable Information and populate the website with it, meeting your requirements for access authority levels.

Exactly to the standards agreed as to how you require your data to be presented in future production contracts – for you and your colleagues to use and gain benefit. 

We will also provide a report showing what further data (already existing within your “archives”) needs to be included and what could be ignored, resourcing levels, estimates of future annual production, etc.