SDS-ES Livery Service Offer

SDS has provided proven and demonstrable Information Management Services to City of London Livery Companies for several years.

SDS-ES now provides an augmented version of the Livery Companies’ Software Suite together with an initial consultancy service tailored to the Livery Movement.

In addition, enabling all Livery Companies to benefit from the pioneering work carried out to prove the various systems, a very special “proof of concept” offer is available to all City of London Livery Companies – briefly as follows:

• 3 days consultancy (2 at your own premises)

• Creation of search and browse criteria to meet your specific needs

• Full digitisation and atomisation of up to 2,500 pages of your data (both hard copy and electronic) turning your “data” into Living Information

• The resultant Living Information made available to you via a secure Website that we create to match your existing Web Branding

  • On the basis that the 2,500 pages of data will contain, inter alia, all of the records for a particular year (of your choosing) then we will produce a .pdf of a “Master’s Year Book” or a “Company Year Book” (your choice). Such a book will be ready in all respects to be digitally printed, which we will undertake at additional price (depends on number of pages and type of binding, etc.)

This “proof of concept” offer will deliver a fully usable sub-set of your accumulated “data” – transformed into fully searchable and browsable “Living Information” whilst at the same time it will all be securely duplicated and maintained on multiple sites thus meeting your “duty of care” obligations to protect your data.

We will be delighted to make a presentation to your Livery Company demonstrating all aspects of this Service Offer (including using an existing website).